
電話番号: +39 0437 927411 | info@malvi.net


Dear Visitor,

after your visit to this website some data related to identified or recognizable natural persons can be processed.

With reference to the European regulation about the processing of the data, following art. 13 of Regulation EU2016/679, the following information, whose validity can not be extended to other similar external sites visited starting from this site are highlighted.

Proceeding with the surfing, and with the subscription of the proposal of services included in different parts of this site, (joining our newsletter, filling in our forms to require information,…), the Company believes as acquired this general information about the processing, as well as the specific information related to the processing of the personal data for different or specific uses, and the user declares his/her consensus to this processing. The Company highlights that the consensus is valid only if it comes from a legal age person or from a 14 years old one. (art. 8, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the GDPR, e D.lgs. 231-01/2018.


Malvi & Co. Srl, headquarters in Belluno (BL), via Cavessago, 44VAT number  05199130963 email address このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。


Surfing data

Informatics systems and software procedures associated with the functioning of this site acquire, during the normal exercise, some of the personal data whose disclosure is included in the Internet protocols.

This information is not collected to be associated with identified data subjects, but they, for their own nature, can, thanks to elaborations and associations with data used by third parties, permit to identify the users.

In this category, data like IP addresses and the PC domains or of other equipment used by the users who surf the site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the required resources, the hour of the request, the way used to make the request to the server, the dimension of the file obtained as an answer, the numeric code that indicates the state of the answer of the server (OK, error and so on) and other parameters related to the operative system and the informatics environment of the user. These data are used only to have anonymous statistic information about the use of the site and to check the correct working of it. The data are immediately erased after the elaboration.

Optional data provided by the User

The optional, evident and voluntary sending of emails to the email addresses of the Company indicated on this website, involves the acquisition of the sender’s email address, necessary to answer the requests, as well as other optional personal data inserted in the document. Summary specific reports are reported or available on the site pages aimed at specific purposes and for whose use the consensus of the user will be asked (e.g. joining the newsletter).


Apart from what concerns the surfing data and cookies, the user is free to transfer his/her personal data through the use of specific forms on the website to request the sending newsletters, informative materials and other communications or, more in general, to reailse other aims written in the specific reports. The rejection to provide the required personal data could prevent from fulfilling the Client’s requests.


The Company, as controller of the processing of the data, and each of the processor, as above identified, will manage and file through paper archives or electronic databases the collected personal data thanks to the website use and the different options that can be activated following User’s requests, for the time necessary to fulfill law duties and to realise the purposes for which they were collected or voluntary disclosed by the user.

Specific security measures, following art. 32 of Regulation EU2016/679, are followed to prevent from loss, alteration of the data or not authorized accesses.

The data are managed only from authorized personnel (add only if it is the case) just in case of necessity, personal data connected to the services can be treated from the staff/consultant that follows the technical assistance of the website, appointed as external responsible of the data processing following the article 28 of Regulation EU2016/679.

The following data categories can be disclosed to third parties for the following aims

The data will not be transferred out of European Union countries.  

The data will not be disclosed, in any case.


Data subjects can exercise the rights of articles 15, 16, 17, 18 of Regulation EU2016/679 (access to the data and confirmation of the consensus to the processing of the personal data; rectification, erasure or the restricted use of them).

The data subject always has the right to object, in any case, for legitimate reasons, the processing of the personal data.

The requests should be addressed to:

- e-mail: このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。  - or by post, to : Malvi & Co. Srl via Cavessago, 44 – 32100 Belluno (BL)
